Sunday 1 July 2012

Chat Shortcuts to use in chats on the NET.

  • 2 To
  • 24/7 Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week
  • 411 Information
  • AFAIK As far as I know
  • AFK Away from keyboard
  • AIM AOL Instant Messenger
  • AKA Also known as
  • AM Antemeridian
  • AOL America Online
  • ASAP As soon as possible
  • ASL Age, sex, location
  • b/c Because
  • B/W Between
  • b4 Before
  • BBIAB Be back in a bit
  • BBL Be back later
  • BCC Blind carbon copy
  • bf Boyfriend
  • BFF Best friends forever
  • BFN Bye for now
  • BOT Back on topic
  • BRB Be right back
  • BRT Be Right There
  • BTW By the way
  • CC Carbon copy
  • CFN Ciao For Now
  • CID Consider It Done
  • CM Call Me
  • CTN Can't talk now
  • CU See You
  • cya See ya
  • CYE Check your e-mail
  • DIKU Do I Know You
  • DIY Do it yourself
  • DK Don't Know
  • DL Download
  • DWL Dying With Laughter
  • EG Evil Grin
  • EL Evil Laugh
  • EM? Excuse Me?
  • EOD End Of Discussion
  • ETA Estimated time of arrival
  • f Female
  • FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
  • fb Facebook
  • FFS For F**ks Sake
  • FUBAR Fouled up beyond all recognition
  • FWIW For what it's worth
  • FYEO For Your Eyes Only
  • FYI For your information
  • GAL Get A Life
  • gb Goodbye
  • GBH Great Big Hug
  • GBTW Get Back To Work
  • gf Girlfriend
  • GFC Going For Coffee
  • GFETE Grinning From Ear To Ear
  • GG Good game
  • GJ Good job
  • GL Good luck
  • gr8 Great
  • GTG/G2G Got to go
  • HAGD Have A Great Day
  • HAGN Have A Good Night
  • HAGO Have A Good One
  • HB Hurry Back
  • HAK Hugs And Kisses
  • HAND Have A Nice Day
  • HOAS Hold on a second
  • HTH Hope this helps
  • hw Homework
  • IAC In any case
  • IBTD I Beg To Differ
  • IDC I Don't Care
  • IC I see
  • IDK I don't know
  • IIRC If I remember correctly
  • IM Instant Message
  • IMO In my opinion
  • IMCO In My Considered Opinion
  • IMHO In My Humble Opinion
  • IMI I Mean It
  • IRL In Real Life
  • IRT In regards to
  • JAS Just A Second
  • J/K Just kidding
  • JK Joke
  • JM2C Just My 2 Cents
  • JT Just Teasing
  • K OK
  • KK OK (Bizarrely!)
  • KWIM Know What I Mean
  • L8 Late
  • L8R Later
  • LMAO Laughing my a** off
  • LMK Let me know
  • LOL Laughing out loud
  • m Male
  • M8 Mate
  • MIHAP May I Have Your Attention Please
  • MKOP My Kind Of Place
  • MMB Message me back
  • MMO Masively Multiplayer Online
  • MMS Multimedia Messaging System
  • msg Message
  • MYOB Mind your own business
  • N1 Nice One
  • N2M Not To Mention
  • NALOPKT Not A Lot Of People Know That
  • NBD No Big Deal
  • NBIF No Basis In Fact
  • N/A Not Available
  • NC No comment
  • ne1 Anyone
  • NM Not much
  • NM Never Mind
  • NAP/NP/NPS Not A Problem
  • NP No problem
  • NRN No Reply Necessary
  • NSFW Not Safe For Work
  • NTK Nice To Know
  • NTN No thanks needed
  • NTYMI Now That You Mention It
  • NW No Way
  • OMG Oh my gosh
  • OT Off topic
  • PAW Parents Are Watching
  • PCM Please Call Me
  • PHAT Pretty hot and tempting
  • PK Player Kill
  • pls Please
  • PM Postmeridian
  • PM Personal/Private Message
  • PML Pee Myself Laughing
  • POS Parent over shoulder
  • ppl People
  • pwn Own
  • qt Cutie
  • RBAY Right Back At Ya
  • re Regarding
  • RLF Real Life Friend
  • ROFL Rolling on the floor laughing
  • ROFLOL Roll On Floor Laughing Out Loud!
  • ROTFL Rolling on the floor laughing
  • RPG Role Playing Game
  • RSVP Répondez s'il vous plaît (Please Reply)
  • RTFM Read the flippin' manual
  • SH Stuff Happens
  • SMAIM Send Me An Instant Message
  • SMEM Send Me E-Mail
  • SOS Someone over shoulder
  • Sry Sorry
  • STFU Shut The F**k Up
  • sup What's up
  • SYS See You Soon
  • TAFN That's All For Now
  • TB Text Back
  • TBA To be announced
  • TBC To be continued
  • TBD To be determined
  • TC Take care
  • TDTM Talk Dirty To Me
  • TFN Thanks For Nothing
  • thx Thanks
  • TIA Thanks in advance
  • TIC Tongue In Cheek
  • TLC Tender love and care
  • TM Trust Me
  • TMI Too much information
  • TTFN Ta-ta for now
  • TTYL Talk to you later
  • txt Text
  • TY Thank you
  • TYVM Thank You Very Much
  • U2 You too
  • UR Your
  • VM Voicemail
  • W/ With
  • w/e Whatever
  • w/o Without
  • W8 Wait
  • WB Write back
  • WFM Works For Me
  • WG Wicked Grin
  • WKND Weekend
  • WRK Work
  • WTB Want To Buy
  • WTF What The F**k
  • WTG Way To Go!
  • WYP What's Your Problem?
  • WYS Whatever You Say
  • WYT Whatever You Think
  • WYWH Wish You Were Here
  • X Kiss
  • XME Excuse Me
  • XOXO Hugs and kisses
  • Y Why
  • YKW? You Know What?
  • YNK You Never Know
  • YPI Your Point Is
  • YW You're Welcome
  • YW You're welcome
  • ZZZ Sleeping, Bored, Tired
  • senior citezen chat abbreviations
  • ATD - At The Doctor's
  • BFF - Best Friend Farted
  • BTW - Bring The Wheelchair
  • BYOT - Bring Your Own Teeth
  • CBM - Covered By Medicare
  • CUATSC - See You At The Senior Center
  • DWI - Driving While Incontinent
  • FWB - Friend With Beta Blockers
  • FWIW - Forgot Where I Was
  • FYI - Found Your Insulin
  • GGPBL - Gotta Go, Pacemaker Battery Low!
  • GHA - Got Heartburn Again
  • HGBM - Had Good Bowel Movement
  • IMHO - Is My Hearing-Aid On?
  • LMDO - Laughing My Dentures Out
  • LOL - Living On Lipitor
  • LWO - Lawrence Welk's On
  • OMMR - On My Massage Recliner
  • OMSG - Oh My! Sorry, Gas.
  • ROFL... CGU - Rolling On The Floor Laughing... And Can't Get Up
  • SGGP - Sorry, Gotta Go Poop
  • TTYL - Talk To You Louder
  • WAITT - Who Am I Talking To?
  • WTFA - Wet The Furniture Again
  • WTP - Where's The Prunes?
  • WWNO - Walker Wheels Need Oil

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